Upcoming Auction: Sept. 7th, 2024Contact|Bidding |Past Auctions




1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/YexctsyTM-loAG4yBQNEoQ/9YLivCYCW0l7rWPbeXFLLPlspbiY_XjIolsVWCGkB13gi5WsWYIVC50nHEr1lRz6yEF1GjYvXbLFD6XXykfrMZfxMuJKPICQYO24WCMtJWVnTbYyeUoZzvAcRWp27HCc193m9ftLIbAmCQJY1efr6CRYJ12wKSm-PFY_kh4oAp0/XJ8gRPQeDdHizfCu84nRxtXfteLcGOr1zSVTpY6e7Cw


Arabian Scratches and Gall Cure Sign

Cardboard sign advertising this Gall Cure from the Our Husband’s Company of Lyndonville, Vermont. “FREE IF IT FAILS.” 11”x 7”. Ad is framed in a gold border on a blue background. Other than a light smudge to the upper right border, the sign is in mint condition. The only advertising sign I’ve ever seen from this company.

3 imageshttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/Ta1uFxaiuMlnGtTxtq1HoA/qPKATp34vXdNdwojuswhQIwAB4xdGO7nqkc52SeYro2UsvL_6AiwWq4xLVa9yEBecBLA_xCQ-Bo1SKyP8hFvtv-V-UuFonMeJOWvu3E2u460-ZBuEIT4g77RbCflXKEKmNG9G48zKvhnUANhZOLaHQ/LwulONbTNZh1IgKFtvq2UqQKhhjnuWX5575Z5pA6LC8https://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/1JmOqLet2UBRULKAaAptXQ/5rymykPmnZo17uEovngVkLmUI8W9zIQU1B-96_sSj17--5xDyc-lGu71GPuRA08qAzBa3Vc8w68EPZ7YARJFipyAU_n3YK3_eXB8g3XgwewF2wXgqu_Hz8cZxejuv5VN3ieP6PdEgMtN2im4adoeFw/15xxlZ23WAYDBmcc5syJijVXJty5MtsjnTLThANaZvwhttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/_j9ks6o4p5YusLH8kkL_lg/zGCgUJ93FTnvRKf5iZ5MnFk8IQ75Omvo-ohHeNnODLg1YjQgVk3O4pcE_4xNizggY-75rpKqiWKysZL8oyvlofj0DfdYOx-5yxnPLWAC70xrCcCcKQbU9S9MebMzsrRNhfuQkUiL7QuzE0iL7iuxpA/QJ6W9CWQhhdoUI3Qk5txgT1cIXgk1abggCRHa8_E4Ko


Dr. C. N. Barber’s Veterinary Remedies Display Cabinet

Metal cabinet with the front panel hinged at the bottom to drop down and expose the interior supply area. The right side panel lists the horse medicines the company produced while the left side lists the cattle medicines. Dr. Barber was from Barre, Vermont. 16”x 14”x 9 ½”. The key is missing. The condition of this cabinet is the best I have ever seen. I’d give it a 9/10. There are some scattered marks here and there but no damage. I don’t believe a cleaner example survives today. PLUS: The medicine section has a group of the rarest Dr. Barber’s medicines produced. The finest cabinet with the rarest medicines, this small collection offered today had it all.

5 imageshttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/pRByB77nbbZ5CbyfplZoEg/tYF0bda2R0K5RYgbarW2iwMxy2x23YIPkxYYvsxl7OCngKheIVeRItt0eHrVtslDlZY50hhDTo0Oft53VIJN8GIOT9cVKxUsoWet2G1PBrdn7tCeUJc5q3N0ccOt90zGZmr7aN84SIZ_yafu6re31A/jCqYx11rSb7pdO-AkCeVj-CoVjn5pqGbiE_n92kZGcshttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/laq3R4APqDnZ8ecNMO-zhA/j4QNWir9LgSJmm9JTEKWX12K5U77ssUYQMVyjAQeJ0TSqFKsqq3qBwWkQigcZEwgxo5U52dh30AgYAa0-_np3kLWACjbbaCmRMi-bliswfd0M3yRCyD_qlHOcWMufKldgGvgfiZ2QJ7NQb7eT_UagQ/EGDM7UvCXsLMcmDPM3VJk2Tnqml6n3X5knxuHswsd_ohttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/AcVt6NyGTqJZzIs7IZs2Ng/Jv-o0Low6vdSkwL1QZOE92KmYNQpnfBzXrKxdJwDWMj_XhzEEoPhZp5HOqd-as_Js6BaL9YxEa_Wxa7gggfO419TTLuFAzkkLrQCVf4igiOE5_R4-VaMMMbC2IxhiAVZU4UNZY9M3Eup6nAdaSpsLQ/i34xinF8puLgB-Ufwsp20uZwP-AXQdaVPXxklBK7biEhttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/pNb1dOBiV82_g7dr_QD2dg/_WPGR9pxqp9vLAyfp8oiykEa068GDJRYmkf7IjyWSqqvXgr6sRHg-_lzIq8y-qRo9JYZapjnOqQDtE7X3NZR5dMVNWUiwpecHTJsgq8OBm1Y3kjzpJLDO-z4Qqa6L3bzGCJhAxZymjwIr0ug3rmS3A/tw-5ioujIFHHlTcq9e5L7Nw10AUUVQh6iZ5I1QmQZNYhttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/p9P--yfIUxcjMFx7NDqGYg/tGQg6Mmt30-9lmQbKmUB71DFJR70ksyCILritd71mpiD-lrzILOqJR7g3yf5qCTMpHCSLA4OHuBCRmTBtDQNY0vHy8LKjxhLAUoZuPVBNeWs8NSAbyQN-pvjERIJaJ99p2fmZtAGWrW5f0z0cDjB5A/nbZl4mnqnRsvjy_iVQFl_LutmLJDNLNXC9XCqkWJ9Ms


Dr. Clayton’s Dog Remedies Paper Mache LIFESIZE Bulldog

Life size advertising Bulldog made from Paper Mache and painted. Lettering on both sides of his back reads: CLAYTON’S / DOG REMEDIES. This was from Dr. Clayton of Chicago. The dog is 30” long, 15” tall, and 14” wide. I would have to say that almost every example I have ever seen has had some degree of repair and or re-painting. As you can imagine Paper Mache Dogs that are over 100 years old and were used in stores for display purposes probably took a beating and were tossed aside when their usefulness was done. This example is completely original with no evidence of repair or repainting. That being said, it does not mean he is without faults and wear. It is apparent from the wear pattern on his body that he stood, facing to the left, on a store counter for many, many years and was available to be “petted” by the store’s customers. The right side of his body is almost completely original. The left side of his body is consistent with being stroked and petted all those years. The paint on his back, forehead, snout, ear, and left front foot  all have authentic wear. In some small places the paint has been worn until you can see lettering from the newspaper used to produce him. To me, this wear is NOT a detriment but a history of his use and importance as an icon to the advertising produced by veterinary patent medicine companies. In my mind, this wear makes him MORE ATTRACTIVE, NOT LESS.  I have had a Clayton Dog for over 25 years and he is sitting above the computer staring at me as I type this. I have always valued them in the $2000-3000 range depending on their originality and “LOOK.” The consigner has requested a nominal reserve so bidding will start at just $500 and go from there.  

7 imageshttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/dEUog2GIU8Arm1Sze9UFnA/ttsZEBqMbVuZ6CEQAoXWftqxNRUMKwboqOo9TTHYEfGJBrbtoHamS3vXlx_TdEngmwO_GaUqCdjMb5M_n-jGiqf7wNz2f-NQU82nTlLWTMMGwb97bNKRNn0bGb-VPulss4sRoBGEyXUM2JPK511kVQ/eU5kDYfzuNkLWjN7MBDHSDMleRGNvt35XiRumP7Hzj0https://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/ahymyW6js88aNVgE4IhqMQ/Pm_I4JyOJrxg8u-bn-9N8fhz-_GDljFmtLjy0CFgMshJOC3XOkmHGaiQqrO96y48DXNUxOjaBYP-JXQ870U7Z4hq9DTM8sQ87Hkjlfugl3dEKjO5p0erDXA1z9Svr_xSOjkZdxnmkOq_vtsi-ri_mw/l71pd0p6T_BTzfYFUyNIzjOhe2FUS5-PSSZAD6gGc0Qhttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/kfYS5-l1MDv3KwYtr_bSPA/bBsJqecK92pSx-_AWfoce4HD1U5hQUV_mxNjSOa4txqUkorfjz84BjfbdyW3z2pyW0YCRA6WfLFmy3qIPKBMLFAmyrNIPLf6-QwAwQmf-QlEVEAhezkZK_JUds8Rhej5AnajBbN4patoKFHkEYkAZg/mjpm4FGtJndDKzWO258SceS9nnSe3Tzm_XhbVaGhbEchttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/D34sHjh-Ld41zLq7YJl6WQ/rcO0H9OyzB99jjWSsinoFy2MKV8ejaPyHii3KeGYSD0WqRMn6pjsAHAeGft1N7SC-ONplESyeYsPU-t4noSb0qhYdcUgnlQHP9VLvUsvrPGr9_BUtIlxjpcetPiyyGQ-VolEoXsxRb2M2h8esLzprw/V7yAhVhNig5C5UWJJ3WZnDproJ9br3tfOW_Hpb4TW2chttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/v62p4zzNJbunUpxDFlRedQ/yqZHcsOuC6MZV-8aA2N2I5m372-GdxTrzuwkYlFcbwiG3KlN7fYRuwVn3TLsgehCuw_AgeR9MUO52gOqrJrpifR8BNr5_B439t71e9PIfViugiNmPJgUDe5cD5TNl-F8NLa0UyHX1BDzAWSX77z_2w/OsJu8x3xR7_zQtA4FOM2yPOfW5E6-CuiHMRso9M9kDQhttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/HykbMgXmEjMn4eDCRCwJkA/hmYdC_hDB-ndAcfHbQR1yVPFnXo5ExYATCz2ACt_BlNxQsxhzDQHh1kn_6JbshV5jhJuoqhibdXyzd1PaqUtHqu7HxOPbWnG_wXgYJRNJ1A2z8Yj_RW90h7FC4wLfLfFVh_KhuqdqgZovkAqhvyoPw/INl5vlJzTzz0XoIuohKot2Sdxx9YuFF8i0QgUPxGqk8https://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/FoB7euY3E-0uyYB547ghqw/Yzyqlt3TSG5CB7_gzLsq-uNGsPjF6jDJyViwn6D7Ac1N-ITvRx1srMt164Mlf4jR7VScPU8zr3VlaFteU2ls6teml-17TT_Wxa_5Aa-EgXsgzH6O_kxdkf7qN-kUbIL6Ein16_Beig4Ni1NwDAz3OA/4L7Ffb58eTG0NzO2EzAxz0SZjoVbiTFxOM4SSmIPETo


Columbia Healing Powder/Columbia Gall Cure Plaster Statue with Handmade Saddle, Bridle and History

This counter top advertising statue was produced for the F. C. Sturtevant Company of Hartford, CT. 15”x 14”x 4 ½”. c1900. One side of the base has: COLUMBIA HEALING POWDER incised into the base while the opposite side has: COLUMBIA GALL CURE. “Columbia” was the trade name for Sturtevant’s Veterinary Medicines for horses and cattle. The horse is in essentially, as made condition with no damage. The History: On top of this horse is a handmade, leather saddle in the “WASHINGTON STATE” style. I was told this independently by a custom saddle maker. The horse is also wearing a handmade string and metal bridle. The saddle has all the details of a custom saddle that you would expect in a full size version. Along with this horse statue comes a real photo postcard showing the exterior of the Harness and Saddle Shop of Willis White (Willis Herbert White 1885-1959). Willis, his wife and two children are standing outside the shop in Clarkston, Washington. This horse, WITH THE SADDLE, can be seen in the store window to the right of Mrs. White. The provenance of the horse is written on the reverse of the postcard. I have tried to do some research, but a more detailed investigation needs to be done. The history with my additions: Photo taken approx. 1916. Saddle made by Willis White approx. 1910. Descended to Charles M. White (1874-1957). Horse purchased from Charles White’s daughter (unnamed) in 1993. See photos of postcard for more details. Only one previous auction sale of a Columbia advertising horse is recorded. That example (without any custom saddle or history) sold for $3500. The consigner has requested an opening bid of $2500 with no further reserve.

4 imageshttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/7t6ZXcI8WNJ-Lvppx4S7-w/J6ckSt9fTk_wAx-nUglrNjghKneGUnHeDT9DM1llvlc2OecO7ou1J2o9rhJ-Ax8BX7icbm2WxeMj__3yQPQsLACjFAKSVHITzgj7DLMsqomg5s6zkBQ-xYKCk2EcM7dPkSdEODJjdxmxFhH7MhE54yy4yEkIrZGWyY3-6puK8Z8/YZnPaSKe7ARSNAhcsztMDfQLlnFjtRkZkXlBKT1RtQIhttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/0sT2YsYldYZ0vNZkDlQchA/Tc7XRYp3idhCOCpzKsQfc3fbt0rhY-kpnPxKj97ZX88G_-MYl6IwuC7shkvRYK3dc-SFRez06CDsxHErPV7dun1POIjhI1WnXG2f2jjNfRsPb2zkNvN2Lr4tYuk8r16HLdqjDXooiS4Du5yekN_ISnHM30P2oubeFC7NSwZQALE/uYmM_MYA1FWwhUM0J1Oe-ve0xnfFqSy_kfdXCscjBH0https://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/xRQEdLT3fc4dmsHXC9UhfQ/FHGxFQbQhaiGSU7dKgG_rTjoCt7zjCJtDmf5WkWAkGgXLtzkIkFi4RcnIuVcU0quteFoT5R-4JPx-JmOTF2t0T9GPvRXzGCxRYWXdkXM2FEAoGAdNTT0psDCPuig8vfjMScUkehWVFq_zWQyDBvCEPCtNiXf41gaHwe3ljndhVs/266nSEHtdzpUYTw6m8CqaPyeBXde1QxN73wo62LZIF4https://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/IThSVWxq_nyQ1VCVCf9Qlw/vzmn7DVk62Ro64kFKbJX9gC2tdHNg7EUdhJNrC5CuZsk8g6LAvSZ2vMNKdFUekuKEYisGml3rLYLT71oNs5Nzww2MVsxTvxkyBYvcgL9wyLrHIMbtHJmQp51fLF6zGYTu8rgk1iLA-tyHh9hieCsOigc7nDOW7TnSeK7FltyGCE/CLZxrlMPYyv-E3pFOaEMqOvLKeZQIFWLJhni1oqDcn4


Dr. Daniels’ Horse Parade Advertising, Double-sided Headdress

Not really sure what the exact terminology of what this is, as I HAVE NEVER SEEN ANYTING LIKE IT BEFORE. It is fabric to fit over the head of a horse/pony and across his neck and withers. There are eye holes cut out and additional ear covers that fit over the animal’s ears. There is advertising on both sides that reads: SAVE YOUR HORSE / DR. DANIELS’ / COLIC CURE. It is 36” in length and 36” in width at the widest part. It is double-sided. It also has fabric ties along the bottom to attach it to the horse. The condition is excellent. Potentially never or hardly ever used. There are a couple of small stains but no damage to the material. I believe that this was designed to be put on the horse of a Dr. Daniels’ traveling salesman as he drove his wagon into a town. Perhaps it was part of a Boston parade event that Dr. Daniels’ participated in. Whatever it was designed for, I believe it to be the most unusual Dr. Daniels advertising object I have ever seen. Currently I believe this to be a unique survivor. Impossible to estimate its value as there is nothing to compare it to. Bid as you see fit, it is selling to the highest bidder

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/TPaHC-wHlmZmP1F7mqTZDQ/IA9iNaiyOM-2yjnp2SZjVevVArVlkO0y7tUStCJemC7RJhuYBQZkS46b9dtVbEFDMtcLWsB0WHWOI-GJxuXqjiFkLDzWNZ95JqF8nM78BC1xn9ndep4yYeOi_hKRbB9jZAXyCP3cg-2so2rMnRVxEGWJJYt0aIbYnitvE9QuZnQ/eP1RaE2Egbp_b6cLal2zGoYpaAb_0jM14wp246vMD-A


Dr. Daniels’ Emergency Case with Medicines

Wooden emergency case with paper label on the inside of the lid, engraved Dr. Daniels’ handle on top, and all the latches. The inside paper label is Nice and displays well but does have some edge staining. 13”x 7”x 9 ½”. This lot comes with a variety of Dr. Daniels’ medicines including boxes, bottles, and tins. Five (5) medicines are included. This case would make a great display in any collection.

4 imageshttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/3h65FCWkkzSrid63XndX9w/kO0v4aGVrexxBU_Qvnxq3pNaQuwA1Xz82rifJvHXQzawGVl2J8s5Ocw_LK3gYMNiA7cZPHyLCFrRAinM9tlZD0wXsG19SrUq1Xh7nLU9y6GDAApWUjkgDI1ETyiezpvCwg30y_A_UnDiDktJ7ojbDA/jCBunP03c8QPiF3wn7t9Tp_UftScf_KFLsQggYhS_vohttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/ISIu-ovv8jVs6NnllflNLw/s9qTC4igJgvgiUuLkoqI6rYMvUMSAA8d1VsKM5ypDNejczd12_kZas1k1mW63aXRsqUs5SDOV8F4QjxUJZ95d2RtQC8xVAgHi5OMDMRMM3ezr47IDjP9YRjfTeSxDOx512-rmci-DVsHAVFqhg85yw/8vfJIb3k0WoSJniMSgKQk8wfrdMDhGjFZpE2nkHHYkshttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/sEm65KqkRKpjWVJozg4uYQ/BeJa2qDXOUoeNofd3zTnpn5w_4JqR7KT5GvdqW_FwDFfWNYfqLPAOc6H0JAYaTvP5v2ayUxOgnnEuYb2_6fdwKJ855bOBTCCQ6P3RnL_14kqpJbm73zY4PIMBoR7-uxz-0MZGBaNOMJ0lccwojGLqQ/2AbFd2aNpLhG1zi8EH6efCMKpl-U-a-1iBLZyY12kIAhttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/Z1xcmeK9fsEpqckDMzrykg/D8f2Ti6UrszWEjw5btEZeRAi107RF7uKY_kM2wt4KkbnwxiQVXSb6LBJ_5xvA-3Frc1-0MPKmM_VeMMFI7PKVDX1bg4y0dh9eLQZzSTUmE9gVRwWxls79OAVCzgvLyExXjiI6vLybxGQqoecY8b9Ag/d9_mCLD4GSYm5QC_Q-NzFaSf9bLuYqKloAG2jc49wdM


Dr. Daniels’ Advertising Dog Counter Display

Life size advertising dog made of plaster or chalk c1920. His collar is embossed “DR. DANIEL’S” while the base is embossed “DOG & CAT REMEDIES.” 19”x 8 ½”x 11”. He is currently painted in a matt black finish. No one really knows what “original paint scheme these dogs had. At 100 years old he has surprisingly little wear and tear. He has small superficial chips to his ears and some paint flaking. We have sold four previous examples of this dog. When something is cast in a mold, repeated use of the mold causes loss of detail to later castings. I have seen that with the lettering on previous examples I have sold. This dog has crisp and sharp lettering on the collar and base which make me believe he is a very early example, perhaps one of the first casts ever made. Previous examples have sold in the $500-700 range. Sold without reserve, bid as you see fit.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/sHo0ib66tkSTKmLaL-wQDA/L0KdmDq7_kgyAPO_N3a5TfpojbHWwWeP_ipghIYCaLd0NvHcoPfrHNXg6sbXuxQse8oDx8dj_1uRT5Wn79eVY7IxIFB7JGB72EnGVhksJUeIFQwTI301qft4T3wbC5a7jXEsbGPPaBd3zhCNlXZssWc45umkt6ZU-6hTCkR-Ve0/i3XUObPBjJdX5YrTU0sO1BDW7Nvy9ppLpDKzpay-ITQ


Dr. Daniels’ Advertising Calendar Top, 1901

Cardboard calendar dated 1901 showing a group of fancy dressed ladies and gents. On the wall behind this group is a poster for Dr. Daniels Medicines. In reality, this image is of an extremely rare Dr. Daniels’ cardboard display cabinet front panel. Less than six of these cabinets are known to collectors and obviously predate the tin front examples production. This calendar firmly dates the cabinets to pre-1901. Unfortunately, this piece has been cut down at the bottom and sides to fit in an old frame. The names of the months can be seen across the bottom. At least the image was preserved and the exact history of this scarce cabinet is dated. 17”x 13” with frame.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/wuP411c6TH9MuYxRi5GDYA/jiy4L3s38j4XyTl7PeD4GfTr3RXGQpKcHcfHv4TIc8FuErGSEf65YINym8pDQH2ZlqSu65hgYySyjmSXN1QB2BUqv6GqeMVMlBnI4pNZa3bpWL36maz51899L8aU1DxmMNWKYeziisifXUd_4ykeFiUnzhzOSSHJ20c4HcwvlEo/o0J1hk7FO9d30xeRO0VwgL8faF1fVifs5KNvwFmsrtw


Dr. Daniels’ Original Artwork and Printer’s Proof for the Cover of His Booklet: THE WORLD’S GREATEST ANIMAL LIFE SAVER

(This item did not get a single opening bid in our March sale, so we are trying it again. This time if it gets a $300 opening bid or more, it is off to a new home.) This Artwork was drawn and colored on cardboard for the Dr. Daniels’ booklet dated 1911. A copy of the booklet is included with this offering. The image size is 13”x 8” and is currently framed and matted. Dr. Daniels’ head and necktie appears to have come from an earlier print article or advertisement as it has been cut out and attached to his overall image. There is also a very light pencil line over the horse’s head that was a concept to produce a rounded arch door instead of the final result, a squared off stall door. The condition of the artwork appears mint. THIS ITEM WAS PURCHASED DIRECTLY FROM A RELATIVE OF A PREVIOUS OWNER OF THE DR. DANIELS’ COMPANY. A unique piece of Dr. Daniels’ and veterinary patent medicine history.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/X7Wn2QAW9zpvc3cObU4uBw/UQH7JPu7Vu5rp__cEQnUl6tnk3tDNdJWRjTURR7nodQHUmn6gPz8Vj0Nx3wKOrkB2pPbuqyN61j6aK8lItKTxBLIrKEkFZXPERJjv_1g84NnqhQT1z9faRzpnthcXAHFm7aDd9EveYVNBu0oqQuLzA/lEGcGBsNpdsOI39IyTEt5mxwFgvth5As4Wlu0TbNIgM


Dr. Daniels’ Veterinary Medicine Display Cabinet

Tin front, wooden display cabinet from Dr. A. C. Daniels’ of Boston c1910. 29”x 21 ½”x 8”. Dr. Daniels’ Warranted Veterinary Medicines are displayed on the front panel as well as the iconic image of his face. This cabinet is missing the original lock and the back boards have been replaced. There is general wear to the tin but all the medicines are legible with good color. The red lettering is bright and strong. Overall, I’d classify it as an entry level cabinet with an estimate in the $500-1000 range. Sold without reserve.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/7Fi6R1jsUMuFaraaOaCAaQ/qXJy1Iep3phvO3qin8FgsDl6sisCncX9NHV2jvGsgsqr0pGAnEc6YNim_7emhFaNG0kyBh3upy5WkDqj5_oZFH8frihdFNpUTeMLl21xngMTuRcyVU65fdQoG3T7xbKpjtrBpoN3N50It2CwkNKoeQ/W--eK9rmdLBgs7SvLPvmIpG49a3wsJLKO8Nna1QS8AY


Foutz’s Horse and Cattle Advertising Fan

David E. Foutz sold Foutz’s Liniment and Foutz’s Horse & Cattle Powder from his store in Baltimore, Maryland. 15 ½”x 8 ¾”. This advertising fan (c1890) has five colorful panels detailing the benefit of his powders on each species. Moving from the left: Horses “Best in the World for Horses; Hogs, “Fattens and Cures Cholera”; Poultry, “Makes Hens lay and Cures Cholera”; Sheep, “Adds Wool to Sheep”; Cows, “Produces more butter and milk”. The condition is unbelievable. It looks as bright and crisp as the day it was made, over 100 years ago. There is one slice off the extreme left upper corner that does not detract and a tiny bit of paper loss at the bottom point. Beautifully framed and mounted. One other example surfaced in our 2015 auction, unframed, and sold for $700. Today, I would estimate this at $300-600. On an added note: we do have a Foutz Condition Powder box available the medicine section of this auction.

2 imageshttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/Vl3wl81R4libsU3gDIrA2A/qhYavteo6Wvs3Y4f9OGMrV8V8pZ9dWJss4_IKwgqr6xJeOlXNRyH8YcuhdS2_gs579V3no73Rrer7--QstcSQI3C7t-xgxZ_3MBk4UNykjhOA5tDb9MsNiQDVaI0a964pgoWfv0X1ktP0TbcsQ1ebGj7IXYt8GYuorWDiXKAyCM/ZPu5szC0Afq9rmPfU6xo-KdOyE5MS-4gVrbI1atYIR4https://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/ktuO1ckxmcKP4Q4Z741JNQ/6EMQD8Grv0VfOl11OW0lX428p9hZ7cIJG_SDqu9uignbyJ3gmTD86CJB3YvM2c4F8606pwR_PAsXuvMr2j_XDGyBysgWL6On_GfVwWC2i3M6zaIeuWiWo8WB9ZACi7rHkFzAMiGXOfq6oO303CvgAGyqoac9PCKjs3sQMwXS394/be2XfLL4-1dJ33UEXS-dPddkwhLDOkSxRx-d7dv5IuI


Humphreys Veterinary Remedies Stable Case with Set of Nine Medicines

Wooden case with two hook closures, interior paper label in the lid and a set of nine embossed bottles with labels (AA-II) that match the medicines listed on the label. The JK bottle is missing. Embossed Cure Oil jar is also included. The wooden case has the lock but no key. Most of the medicines AA, BB, CC, DD, EE, FF, HH, and II have toned labels with minor wear. The interior label is dated 1906 and is in excellent condition. 10 ½"x 6"x 6". The case has wear to the finish but retains the original handle and engraved name plate on the top.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/mmW3-SwgL84u8igUSina3A/zjcNih4bKfaTpi4nvKp6b9osEuAI9KHc0f7B0bPyV2fjRiUw11V1ImDsBmqjI4fn3DKWoNtnr8oY8-t8eXkI_UOQj8f6xDbJv99FZ2oHFRPf1PBj60JpPp0EfjwewoFFE7W51QDWbqcTVfA_AC7_9Er6FvIo8446yj7sUVuncEk/1IuedUsJSTqgCd2NLAsOGBrWz1e-M2E1_P8hlxjU2x8


International Stock Food, Large Format, Poster #13, International Colic Remedy

This is a large format poster, 22”x 16” and is marked ISF poster #13. Since this is touting Colic Remedy we can date it to c1910. Illustrated on the left is a jockey dosing his trotting horse before the big race. “CURES COLIC IN 10 MINUTES.” On the right, a farmer is distressed, as his plow horse has gone down in the field, but never fear, a friend is riding to the rescue holding up a bottle of International Colic Remedy. “CURES COLIC FOR 50 CENTS.” In the middle is a life size illustration of a package of Colic Remedy showing the stages of colic in horses. There are a couple of very slight creases along the left edge, not tears. A small stain between the “T and E” in International, and a light damp stain at the right edge. the colors are bright and crisp. The poster is currently mounted and framed. This is the only the second example of this poster that has been offered by me or recorded in over 20 years. The last example sold in 2016 for $3800. The opening bid is $1000 with no further reserve.

2 imageshttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/upuGUga7CpKm6U8v3zO29g/VtX2UJtKbNzYowrtAQ54OBHwo8MASttaIlxTNCNBf7_dJHWKxnxUdMzN32zIllLbRGJ3ps4s6paqcHyxEJXj_6DCKU5mlPDVpZjnA9EUWIpqVOdAfTIbMu4PxCvTXV-VjwBZWoWQkWpFPemYKnsgb2qN0quNkbE88zkZASoNp8g/4u153pEnwYocSoRyOsrz3rO5DoIjP87FczmY1CsPkKAhttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/qWJ9eXvVdmEvTB81VuESuQ/z8Kk1tRwUXOaqBSHrs_Oq7N3RKdgxIKWMruuRsWS8DLtaYzeaB40rMW0cjGVp1ysLRhVFH1NJH6YNvSCmrjckyH_TLL2n1TOX5tn-RyUX5rKArPnptJ5zvY7lyW0ZuyoydwOY8OPebGtiwo-BA05h5a0nWmWX1yCKYc7vZLNdrk/nE7ONlsbUc_PguyRW8XhH_h76L0wCw7EZjdXpWRisHA


Kendall’s Spavin Cure Hanging Sign

Cardboard sign with a gromet at the top for hanging from a ceiling fan in a country store. 11”x 9” image size and currently beautifully framed and matted at 17”x 15”. The central image show that it’s “GOOD FOR BEAST AND MAN.” One side illustrates veterinary use while the other shows a man being treated for his injuries. I believe this sign is double-sided but I have not taken it out of the frame to confirm that. I believe this to be very early in the c1880-1890 range. It does have some minor dings and creases, but nothing to detract overall. A really early, unusual, and unique sign to hang on your wall. No estimate on this as there are no comparables to go by. Bidding starts at $200.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/KoO7nUTqYrjuNiDEFryTNQ/0Osy6Xi4R5DpHIWLNL3MJYpSzlBspIofXz7WzL4gR-1EoLmSWs63gLWmGIX7wAo98_Jn7REXbcLWg4iXzefVW60Oc7VvjxS4m677QmG3aUh6_ylofGllUFyK-Xs6HJJ7kiyMQ3IqPGvahnhQj7kXJsdTPRTYvVtwR6-8dMcwcZA/8YuSOqoUlP7Sz0GDZWLHSg9QC8ttS_tSPLYviGhzEZ4


Pratts Veterinary Colic Cure Hanging Sign

Cardboard sign from the Pratt Food Company advertising their Colic Cure for Horses. “1 DOSE CURES.” 10 ½”x 5 ½”. c1900. Great graphics of colicky horse with owner pointing to the wore CURE. There are several short edge tears that have old tape repairs on the reverse. The top edge of the hanging hole is torn and there are pin holes in the top corners. One of two, previously unknown Pratt’s advertising pieces in this auction.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/OyQdIVYMTqUtKYIdPmiQTw/cZLjX0Yy6rjHZW_dXZVnaH3FJTV1BroEuaKs7hNn5wFoI6JwC0VkIh5-uA4ZEYC5ZeKYAIMEpfPkj2iJFfx3ZPKsrnZDOPEXvE_MRp3Ev_bZ-q2nSeFhkzwHdMHlh9NO77t3Cp4HcIunn9FxeYwuImdS3pKCAUWJKMXaeuU2GV8/xSKFLwEN8EeQt1MyMJ9YV8_HsQPsBLAottxliu__Er0


Pratts Veterinary Healing Ointment and Gall Cure Hanging Sign

Cardboard sign from the Pratt Food Company advertising one of their veterinary patent medicines. 10 ½”x 5 ½”. c1900. Image of man taking off his horses’ harness and exposing a large Gall. Very strong color and great condition on this example. Paper loss above hanging hole and pin holes in the top corners. No tears or tape repairs. These would look really great framed and on your wall.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/H9BgF0ghAKHPDHbWzIwbeg/cs60gfIdsHfsZFXzyQ5gZ0ngTFUh1Tx2yppsQL20bhzy5Mq9gnRQTojvdyarbAZzaGBR9_9QltCo6aNCdjJOBuMLr_OoXsm9yVug_9kdwjGsR3UkqLjMEVKrcOzNSWaQPwP23n-YZhcSM14sRkGvAljz-_K1um0EbZ13R5OHmuQ/ZqdUgUzlzWPXOENG5tKnwAKsHh3Im7AWvgo69QaKiXU


Pulvex Flea Powder for Dogs Original Package of One Dozen Canisters

It is almost unknown to see original cases of dog medicines. Here we have one dozen (12) original, unopened canisters in their original cardboard box. I examined all the canister labels and find them to be in mint, unused condition. The box is printed on one end to identify the contents as PULVEX Dog Flea Powder, 1 ½ oz. size with an original price of 30 cents each. On a rarity note, we have never cataloged a single example of this Flea Powder. Total size is 4”x 6 ½”x 7 ½”. If sold separately you could probably realize $15-20 each

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/GVketWfqLzZWI6qP-Gur1w/4LOVOX87rwl8cNGaGZ6DA4nR5vzvukL_DgrM6k29LS21tE-qKgvlcGOReZc2r8VO-2UCD6KHx1kqC92ZbXdS4a_ntVFPH6inCa7lVeDu9i2YdamTNkzWsbV7x2K_GInOljjJmuUIfpnKV96UzbuSBw/xDQwKFsi9V7aGrO7k9qoPGzWNPX2I7YWLqG27a1gR78


Archive of VCR Newsletters and Auction Catalogs

This is a group of 28 newsletter from 1999-2003 and 10 auction catalogs with color photo pages from the same time period. Plus a few printed research pages. If you are a new collector, this information might be of interest to you. 

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/XElvCV78ygppDcQj8ony2w/fCP6-3zmfbIyuH4qgohpFgZQ93ZDpFasDeXcNUhJyYhGqFgMYmwWG9nVuaYWeJjIeAnxPZk3aU8fcWq3vUi-PwqolsgYxtPmVizEMJbwdcJ6lKkgN2LCg866Ol808y21Sh72fYb_0NbYueP22nXKtjCcTfKJDalgnFmq-UuKjYk/ZehEGBl0HRYoo09imru9eiy61PaugI4BsVJvALPaqLo


American Antiseptic Healing Powder

Unopened canister with wrap around paper label from the American Remedy Company of Tiffin, Ohio. 4”x 2”. “WORK YOUR HOIRSE.” Near mint original condition label. This is the first example we have offered but we have recorded two other examples selling at auction for impressive prices. Must be scarce.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/rc2vp06gPusRHGPs84dOHw/06DTDlwTCu8khpR-S4tleqzvZABnhvLWxrgd6MRNL0pN_tZWecFp7QNZQ-w0Yfk3K4WEdSerHV3EMquDN5IqRWlVvdVbpKyxnpGAiz8IQPuWlqokIZ-aWKBHMxQZCvOPrXFRuJ0SZ1HeVLybc19kcSVULHvH0tC4z4CJsomjEy8/KdsriGsV7MNo9FTM0VPpooqcvy1ah30TlGoGgzBNf8Q


American Bird Bitters

Bottle with paper labels, dried contents and box from American Bird Products, Inc. of New York. 6 ½”x 1 ¾”x ¾”. Used for canaries and other caged birds for Loss of Song, Asthma, and Hard Breathing. Labels are lightly stained. The box is excellent and really compliments the bottle. The first of a small consignment of Pet Bird Medicines in this auction.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/lJzwGZoPS58xl9QUO1imOw/gy97XO8lr_PhToh5JSzg-EDwvGeSRsxlSdvmeED2L1gREDkHFkYlyjDjOVlPoHmPhOqcdvfHE_EqLYQ3fVSWAb4d82Ba7C8ZlgG9D-vLJnTwKo4G7GIl1WWJMkF-b68QuX2ogr-Uk_a-g1WUQoq3zB8Kqy_tDzTBNIFdD5AaWNE/ylEo4mUrahiygizaziLWQ19dc3ACWWfLdZGdLwr5EH0


American Stock Tonic

Unopened box with contents from the American Stock Company of Tiffin, Ohio. 8”x 5”x 2”. “A HIGHLY CONCENTRATED REMEDY…” Very good condition overall with just a bit of handling wear. Black stallion logo on the front panel. Nice early box that displays very well.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/bhNRsMLTGhB6tngr6MpSiw/LQ1f30JF2GGy3tsmISfH6-DfsoL7l5iV6WbSl45XYkvQbAFQZYiU_dFTZES1HD2CbqMMZ81aD-W2b33qum2h3jOHhtq68qaMNVXp-VoJFWhrIWL28Pc1IJFUjo5Uyzuml8GL_FE-yHF5MYAkLVYwxjVjrU-IK7X_U77Do1LV1Nc/VvTbROnjbVLs57-my9517y5WGq0b2zAtRHntQsuGeCo


Dr. C. N. Barber’s Blood Purifier

Unopened bottle with paper label and cork cover, evaporated contents, and box from the Barber Medicine Company of Barre, Vermont. Bottle is 3 ½”x 1 ¼”x 1”. Bottle is in near mint condition with labels on the front and back. Box is lightly toned and has top flaps torn off but present. According to the records I’ve kept, this is the ONLY EXAMPLE OF BLOOD PURIFER I have ever recorded from this company. It sold to the consigner all the way back in our 2nd auction in 1997. That is 26 years ago and to my knowledge, no other examples have ever surfaced. If you are looking to complete a set of Dr. Barber’s medicines, I guess you need this bottle. Please check out the following Dr. Barber’s medicines and the wonderful Dr. Barber metal display cabinet in the advertising section.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/hdVX6KEMtA6eFEiskYij5g/kSqGHmhVpT-i25udbtdAD9YLcF9fdWBnDAKIbI9HyFtWysup2E1CIfBUz97FRYgxAqOpMGALnTSs31g0PNFt9L0hMYNC-Darz6R9Crq03kVblsyJjBVqkAsuCfoGazLpH2dO9LgzN9AwmOBkSb6uiHm62x5M43d4RYX99hpHXSo/J_fp_ynsBARBWeGM3o0xbqGvZj2dCmuoE9Ch3idXyXM


Dr. C. N. Barber’s Condition Powders

Cardboard outer box with slide out inner box containing the contents in heavy, ORIGINAL, paper bag.  From the Barber Medicine Company of Barre, Vermont.  4”x 4”x 2 ½”. Paper label is toned but complete. This is another scarce Barber Medicine being only one of four examples recorded and the first offering since 2014.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/vPLxVjMzcxGSEz3cAKIiyw/sgHjuU2vrmrvTBZPIScHrtHcxAkIxsevovTmlcIfRcLlCQ3Xne_zT-t0dVx7bS07gZrDflZM38oYv5K-JyP1aOD7zelKoPGjCkweOXKhZfrvEv_GYTGIMdwnGUkWeXPQmsFWI4FEIKlecneYyZcr17pm1E_i3bn5utORUAvJIdM/N6C0bZRLYKprq-Ev3sngWVeBIhjsZA0XfunrkYfKgIQ


Dr. C. N. Barber’s Healing Powder

As with the Blood Purifier bottle, this is the ONLY EXAMPLE OF HEALING POWDER that we have ever recorded. The consigner also purchased this from our auction in 1997. Lithographed tin from the Barber Medicine Company of Barre, Vermont. 5 ½”x 2 ½”. Tin is empty. Condition is very good with very minimal handing wear. A potentially unique example for you tin collectors out there. Information like this is why we keep records.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/1K1Mu9PW63ENVFnwK9r6kw/kBGpvXBeNqOiIkvXrj471evjzezdpYE1hLRsDaTanzUj_eBQlcX8dnGmjFVIu5j6x0PUe_LH2O4jhdmo5cHty40qdhxQdZa68EEOmkTkLU5mNw70HRbyVtcEtm0TMrQBfQV36-iBsK-d5yVxMPd1Y9Wqb-nzEq7KT0jkhLgdu38/k6O6xtBCnenfopbwN6ULYRqBcC9pEJJOiPyR-e-KFbY


Dr. C. N. Barber’s Spavin Remedy

Not to be left out, this Spavin Remedy bottle is one of only two examples ever recorded. Again, the consigner also purchased this from our auction in 1997. 6 ½”x 3 ¼”x 2 ¾”. Bottle is in near mint condition with all original paper labels and cork cover. The contents have evaporated, but some dried contents remain. The box is complete and just lightly toned from age. Here we have a small Dr. Barber collection with super, rare examples.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/XsgaXShX934FWwvqEd_n8g/s18qx9XBD1P-NGKRynKqRf7yUvtFS3_Q1elu5_u10FkuP82LNdYXqFyXnWjKxVrJq6Btf_Jb913LY1-Iy4Gwuex11WZpmvxWNTmvQIyPJZpjiOmPV5Zcp83WkbOoLgQ9HPGVvWBHNKsl96ojO3bMpCANy04M7dBbadb5_kvORt8/w7LCF1NQ0CqbTvapRCTgj3LJxAUPjPzQvaqOkTYihSc


Baum’s Liquid Hoof Dressing

Early, lithographed tin from the Baum’s Castorine Company of Syracuse, New York. “A CURE AND PREVENTITIVE FOR ALL HOOF TROUBLES.” 6 ½”x 3”x 3”. One quart size. Minor spotty wear overall. A large number of Baum’s Stock Food wooden boxes have survived but this is the first offering and only example of this Hoof Dressing to be recorded.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/Pqp0p9jZbHgZqoNQhnybkQ/BcBzjuUqO6YCRBIiJQlkw28hXVIGBLsRltA0kPmP9p3v6vzf87fWFX1szMq9pEl5q51ZZCCJ_yKX3QTeRSljMpa1x0vTNiwVPNdyWjfMXjoCfdVdpfUGklB_AxRsi81CSt7ru5fgb2ZBqj19vD1eXV1H0Ee0HGfM78KoT5r3jTc/E8BTu7WJYePRrVwpmS2A8mMOu5UyR-SWRciRIQd5o9Y


The Brewster Improved Horse, Cattle & Poultry Powder

Unopened cardboard box with contents from Finnerty, McClure & Company of Philadelphia. 6 ¼”x 3 ½”x 2”. Condition is near mint, original. Slogan reads, “GIVE IT A TRIAL. IT IS SURPASSED BY NONE.”  

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/UAv3DgrepZxcxxT1gH-k6w/rYXAJj9bGKqcoPzNTYvyz7OVGNeomIcTSlD78YBV2IWkE7mYXGgdoc-sggFK1AKipdw3G7tLIGvu9rs_uCgsfJY4_B_7gZnH4fEE1siNYxFOuEx_GZe5msgyOpv3abniD02wwl4DR1ejmwnuuQ_6lO-ejAgp9P55XYQkULtsNx4/S4TMgAg1wxe3EP5PoeCMMA5AihmAzjf5CqeqZFwvYXw


Buchan’s Cresylic Ointment

: Jar with partial contents and paper label from Kidder & Laird of New York City. This is an early jar, c1870-1880. The company was in business producing patent medicines as early as 1843. It is labeled “FOR THE DESTRUCTION OF SCREW WORMS AND THE CURE OF FOOT ROT” in cattle. 3 ½”x 2”. Label has some edge wear and a stain on the front and a significant paper loss on the reverse. This is from the beginning of veterinary patent medicines in America. Veterinary ointment jars with labels are rare and this example displays very well.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/pG0peVcho17R0Vtwu3-BQA/MrAGIkPJ0pRbsiGK6encPrJcQcih2d-0vh4uxu9rXXj4ahDWJKXBq_AhYiruEuMA0OrH5vzK7GJxvDinoP73Bi5hVhIDBxOSl4JZM90xLpJpAECHPNvCKdEET-7DW9OahiNNvZOTCM1i8uTF3ONhBjkLMLHFsamYvjuHfu0BANo/phTK0_YBrtglYhuIjWi5j8PcZ7wxy9NzkLnx1t9ocok


Cal-Sino Veterinary Glycoline, Antiseptic Healing Lotion

Unopened bottle with wrap around paper label and contents from the Royal Distribution Company of Baltimore, MD. Formally known as the Cal-Sino Company. Bright and colorful label is in mint/near mint condition. 8 ¼”x 2 ¾”x 1 ¾”.  Used to treat Galls, burns and Grease Heel. This is the only known example and previously sold in my 3/2016 auction. Beautiful, eye catching medicine.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/8HDp9caXsNphlnUvzQobvg/VUN4GFNq2y5Mk5QGn41cj8LULd3rzlNP0W6akc5VAOtEgK3MLEny91IxaAzfJonc7b-LbkUHyoZjmrvT4IWthSWnYnHo7PGmQUPwnSKTR8qg4nxEM88mROh1Crw4_hst169WvDmUHTVv-ZTYZgzZr4TOWYLvP7y89a8nP5sY-GA/miYyqGIaPMDBRBNMvKCEOItgAgA6xS3P0mWsrzdJHMw


Cal-Sino Poultry Restorative

Unopened canister with wrap around paper label and contents from the Cal-Sino Company of Baltimore. 7”x 3 ½”. Excellent condition with no damage. “INCREASES EGG AND FLESH PRODUCTION.”

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/K05UPNif6hcKwtd8H5ijdQ/pqjKNeu9kg7ilw6Y44x7Crb6iSni8LGOwPZU6PSjoq1zzuv-nblQzLGRKsX9I10Sb8FYzbN0XmcEROPldANtmfeY4lLuOP5R0wFxfaGdvaOgkUwPGI7TPFHSB5OhcU9keL3bGLjyw5GZtTnZdDNTmP_F7seGLM612HI50txt7lg/EA36z6C4hrIwVU_iK4GfCYV3PZxQNE19ZQvICn7-zVo


Campbell’s Horse Foot Remedy

Unopened, lithographed tin with contents from the James B. Campbell Company of Chicago. 6”x 3”x 3”. Tin has scattered tiny spotted handling wear. It was used for all ailments of the horse’s hoof. Testimonials on the reverse date this tin to the 1890’s. Only two other examples have been recorded at auction.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/r1ub70MMlVuRVIxWGNTzhw/hQP0LkbOABl_i1_kQx5Ynj_mxU1-AUXE6Zz7po9Us-ziN9hOA-gd-vmVSWyXoJ_rIZGScPvDpNP06NKLwX6GvR0bf8bQ8Vgau4UXGATpV1A7AdNW7129BenPjSQDUqgFJ8dDZ-3E71fsSS_6qMptzoeESajj6Fh9CYudT9GhLhQ/6x9ObsX6oxeQ_8Hwje0vzHs46R1ZspYEWQtHYiExsXs


Carter’s Condition Powder for Horses

Unopened box with contents from the Our Husband’s MFG. Company of Lyndon, Vermont. 5 ¼”x 3 ½”x 1 ¾”. Box has minor scuffing and some top flap damage. Used for such varied ailments as worms, logyness, and Distemper. Scarce horse medicine from a company that produced primarily COW medicines.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/uQ3nvrTo6JcKf0a_0udJqQ/QSuIBapt9Cp0nWxDtW_GaiabhTA5g1IZy461psdZjYpvX3eB6fX8XS4LKaNSLf7TztJ7Y0YiZEoj7eWtl7PpKAPB4espOjXr04au6S_9yGBhE9HbJKdnCmbz2OfnMhH7tRibkhCNkhiAucv57MyoLUOjB5WHoEQmX_suyGYPqRM/4_q7yn-qPxIgsZuxu3QLgP0-qIw3cFwkxNo6yxYlYW8


Dr. Claris Tonic and Alterative Powders for Horses and Mules

This is the FIRST RECORDED example of this Dr. Claris Medicine to come to auction. No previous auction records exist for these rare powders. 4 ¼”x 2 ¾”x 3”. Cardboard box containing 16 of 18 original single dose boxes. “PURIFYS THE BLOOD.” Box has general edge wear and the top flap has been attached with archival tape. A rare survivor. You may never get another opportunity to add this medicine to your collection. Let’s see what a super rare Dr. Claris medicine goes for these days. Bid as you see fit.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/J3pN0nVd9Fcy_AOHvO7QSw/Ygg6PYIA_9RazFLLdLv5TYXZ6HPg2SI_EDh5yKCBQ_CsjFgJ2NwLCXobr7XVd1P38mDyxTR4-EJ-ksZXJDN8Kfs-47EQZOivrxJL_4aqMpZ4omLIvdmJAOBcksoUy23gGAp_wWMzsGm1CkRsEJJi4PN2P8NfYz_oqN8XtsOi2Lo/mgT7A8YK4qAL8272G0YdQKfGTy9T1XsvxtEfw_ciBNs


Dr. Claris Colic Medicine for Horses

Bottle with paper label and BOX from the Dr. Claris Veterinary Laboratory of Buffalo, New York. 8”x 3”x 1 1/2”. Very detailed and colorful front label showing Dr. Claris’ horse “Molly C.” Label is lightly toned but complete and undamaged. The box has damage to the top edge, right corner. I have only recorded ONE PREVIOUS EXAMPLE WITH A BOX, and that sold on eBay in 2015 for $460. Sold without reserve but with a $100 opening bid.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/M9srTFRZZ2TTteEP6JwpoA/JBo_8anT0Y-6yTR5nIpkO1X29ZXcP3I2ZiiCJ5ndkoPsRx73XIfcoHRtFfD2XKloEgWQZk3uaQmrQDe9R7Ic5t6F0Zhio6ULo6YcTGBO3-79mWck-Qiz-jgmXzmjIlohcHqZ_TEgC9SnGS8Y1yO85Z2jyNdt7f4XdK3c4aZPvOk/VoIvPIIeWRWEwxS9yiUVHS0F0eqP1-S2neov8IAJFww


Dr. Claris Worm Powders for Horses

Cardboard box with 18 individual dose boxes inside from the Claris Veterinary Hospital of Buffalo, New York. 4 ¼”x 2 ¾”x 3”. Cardboard is complete with all top flaps intact. Advertising on all four sides. We sold another example in 2021 for $325. With the desirability of Claris medicines, this one should come close to that number. Excellent condition.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/Va8vraRnNzJZ9H3cTRpfyw/9Jkf9_W0_mMDs-0baKvPjXvV8FMJvwiuXiUPB_JiJJiUmK8TbBFEpmbFeBYX9jKf6nTUVLovlVslYDT3Cwb93wE3iKaaRhB6ISgUgj1nzz93SXC7MPWKbUgUCIHowhbFYM2zCdl4oO_Rmf5JK93tew/0foIS5r3rn-TNXLb-Ox2zNXVAMaLk85NDu5pQwv6Wig


Dr. Clayton’s Cat Soap

Box with unused original soap bar inside from Dr. George Clayton of Chicago. 3”x 2 ¼”x 1 ½”. I’ve recorded two precious examples selling at auction. Notice the original price was 25 cents, marked down once to 23 cents, and finally to 10 cents. What a deal. The box is complete and displays exceptionally well but does have a touch of handling wear on the ends. This one will sell itself.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/xEh-1Azov6wM9ncuDZtehQ/Oz9_zgipto0_5wsGh65M8R0YHIOzyOJFKQwVPdQNK0ZWIZT7sDoNMwCSpzfChkwW41OJK1B75jOg2hveasFi2uztNaKPaG7lR7EMPCWrgbuUXjBcskJKLgRJ3J7E0_btSOrTtF75iKbxiL9FPhtiPKeXAOMZIufjcNAD9zhJ8xY/szPgVntYtvLYeftR8YxWRdxw2JOEEqcIGNnVmUmjzXc


Conkey’s Healing Powder

Unopened canister with full contents and paper label from the G. E. Conkey Company of Cleveland. 3 ½”x 1 ¼”. Described as a “Wonderful Gall Remedy” for horses. Conkey’s specialized in remedies for poultry, but also produced a full line of remedies for horses. The horse remedies are quite scarce. Excellent condition on this canister with strong colors. A little sleeping beauty.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/LjNZP_968sVr-wsRR-yIcQ/1MI9ucCk3ipJhtGMj22BnO7KEoMUEoUbW2gqjHmgxx0qIaPW6uI4bB53liZX9caSKv2KOlvNLHJLv9MtQHgI5G9PnsKV8sDF1XiGjOfeYK2X5gMOyuJzpbhY3DErlZ_jcnDG4ztvuDhHtZJiyIhGewiEj8Q6HRl3eaRu0uwYdiQ/VeYV5zINgnuZeJ90RZdhi258ZCI4qg9IyvszpOf5sGQ


Dr. Daniels Diarrhoea Pills for Cats, Kittens and Puppies

Unopened glass vial with paper label, contents, paper insert and box. Box is 4”x 1”x 1”. The only previous example of this medicine was sold in our auction in September 1996 for $175. That was 27 years before another example showed up. If you collect Dr. Daniels Cat and Dog medicines, I doubt you will get another chance. Other than slight fading to the color on the front panel, this example is in mint, unused condition.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/_xmE-YIQmqiJhOtPkzKvXA/RcW-rmtYFT6M2zXr8fWTGFoQB3V11ZKgAryT0_qIxCgJ3xllvgKGosmwIKYRjXIQfZtHg4SJtgZ8F6VeMXS_-BEDGeoPG-hNTSpthVEMNBXwxpncW7HE_gUMoFjBEidJQhlN2hpf9PMwL7gUC1TJ8tmw9abkc9oWyg8vC3yID0I/BTe9OoFUryRLRwOEIK3CrbqV_nJNsaPb7mwJmZXgz6s


Dr. Daniels’ Puppy Vermifuge Capsules for Puppies and Small Dogs

Unopened glass vial with paper label, contents, paper insert and box. Used to remove Roundworms from puppies and small dogs. Box is 3”x 1 ½”x 1 ½”. Vial and label are in mint condition. Box has light water drip stains on the front panel. Not as scarce as the other Dog and Cat medicine offered, but still a desirable addition to any collection.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/NSTM541Kc8pKS-oxS1_06A/HF8oKPeHw62zk5LTeFQ-317lPCai0VXuvn6oT7H-M2AXldm6I_RGi2EVTn8htwJFTPEeMcXj-NSXJc4B26mjzNjNBs491vSTU2c9pZeipFw4IL5mooKuXIaclxp_sx2RLgfVfdTwm8TmWNziyEltY63LNbwWgaIGou4An0BiJJw/0RahpqS2nS_V-AFG0r9da10EJOnhNf2v00WhHwmWdz4


Dr. Daniels’ Liniment Powder for Track and Stable Use

Lithographed tin with partial contents. 3”x 2 ½”. Condition is near mint with an old price sticker on the lid. This is a scarce variation with the “Track and Stable Use” designation. The last example to come to auction was in 2017.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/YWIVQ01e_Ka2PPMkKJjLew/_ttPgUHndaq5L-XY8FO7jv8MnGCH7H-dSniv6gomkJz0RyJZfISf4zzV6KPoPjN2hdzSfZQwEa7UVaxINjcmI8xh-I1ygvpW7wAal4w9DLLmO0FJTru7FG1-U-VAk6tnQ4tponr_igq3pU-YbF-PkfHKWhObiJxGohQUKakCze8/BaRAGzrxUjWzlTLDbC2Pua6tWpukMVojZUT0SKyB4X4


Dr. Daniels’ Sarcoptic Mange Salve for Dogs

Tin with paper labels, and original contents used for treating mange in dogs. 3”x 1”. The top paper label is lightly spotted, as seen. The bottom “directions" label is complete with minor edge wear. This is a VERY SCARCE Dr. Daniels’ dog medicine tin this being only the fourth example to ever come to auction.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/B7t2OUG0GvwqmVawO2o-4Q/Na24Vn-riVCDggxwvezlLvU5RW4kQbJ4wRnn-QKTfGUgItMy13b8A4XxucP3WwpdWJ7LO5rC4486_KWYIRuB2OVpQwEW20OOOq-dMYMn8z1Ahwq5yNf5QW88p8dLdQlhJRE7O5ys4pX0opZgCP69uwsSKwwSsSfNvWpz2fuFf84/2AOZnFWYHaCF5dygwz2LrsLmqvfBbK4r5cF1sOe_RsQ


Dr. Daniels’ Witch Hazel

Bottle with paper label: 6 ½”x 2 ½”x 1 ½”. Label is in very good condition with only minor edge wear and smudges. Blue color is strong. Used both internally and externally for whatever purpose a good Witch Hazel is required. Only a few of these medicines have come out in the last few years. One of the harder Daniels’ examples to find.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/nOVQ8KvRjHwnUgQtYWpZGA/XxaLHF0mOIZiw_YRWDS1nYoYteXzKUW3h307MiOou8waRyf-_fY770azORsV3clIb1L9ugyOASlpEx3lJqG4JUJKiB1gXjY0g2R6tTufAfSJoRonJg5NhtmfgmywD-Q7JhOaz4qkS952sp7DWMdv2ZlxgrFWqIKZC3mvVES7awU/jJt0dORusGn6mGroJ1PrpRk7n7khfcJyTTL4YZmRO3c


Dr. Daniels’ Wonder Worker Lotion

Embossed, unopened bottle with contents, paper label, folded insert, and box. Embossed: DR. A. C. DANIELS’ / WONDER WORKER LOTION / BOSTON, MASS. U.S.A. Label is in very good condition with minor handling wear. 6 ½”x 2 ½”x 1 ¾”. Partial box remains as seen.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/-9LIeUWesOCg5a_iQjtvzQ/uACWULizI_ph3f_aR2whtAdgBZZpMoOeOtjzV7Y_nLN2l3c3iI1exG7y3YJfBghSKYTMavBM8C-lTk_8mQ0MyRSh9cGISUPhh_xKE3PAn4BMHSMZuF2ttTfAkZCglhnGJ-iV2xeJhVZn3B8VGG5qiA/98UuA4xOiqFnjGCoCOHpCVhBhGsYRWBnUDjCZ241bNc


Dixie Brand Pine Tar

Unopened, tin with wrap around paper label. 4 ½”x 3 ½”. Used by horsemen to pack the hoofs of horses. Very good condition with minimal handling wear. Slight fading to the red on the label.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/0lPcswAEJyy3Rnk4tVUYVg/_q1dxv298Z6Y6wBHDSr7JDdUlMCOloAfeQUDvP3VCuSHYYl0YzRkvenctOEZ5t885437DDS4J36o52Rl4XbfIBLl9DNF0wZgBX4TQNy_k22zveb66Jt1ed27Mcxl07xZx_QHWONUNwES3I1zw-8vDLiyWWgD0eYJEfQfz5to8Do/n2DTgxBeviwPdxtZ7oaN0mfNDaoglLIqtJPhF8HSchY


Fleck’s Heave Remedy

Cardboard canister with paper label from J. J. Fleck of Tiffin, Ohio. 8”x 3”. Mr. Fleck ran a drug store and started production of an entire line of veterinary remedies. “RECOMMENDED FOR THE RELIEF AND CURE OF HEAVES, COUGHS, COLDS, AND ASHTHMA.” Top and bottom metal lids have some oxidation. Label is complete and slightly toned from age. Nice early example with great graphics.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/X4TuuG-jTwTQ_65RZcwfDA/TCdITBrM7h1SppND4XGQghhBhSJ_cEEl03gcWk21ZMXldXD7St8ARTCOJqXBEqM6NZFnMCrCf-lN-vPKFKFxGQi8a55Y87PQ6J5_6-08O0tK1lk3uxEhs7EtRpyEacpU_qwLiz25gn3jZrs-mRGGfuwrLb_yA0f48XTdVQAr774/SUEm9KgwBZCaY7mUF8UFsDfmm0CLcilLmYmQE16JJL4


S. A. Foutz Condition Powders

Unopened box with contents from the S. A. Foutz Stock Food Company of Baltimore, Maryland. 5 ½”x 3 ½”x 2”. Foxing to the left side panel. Not the most impressive box but super rare as it is the first and only Foutz medicine to come to auction. See the Foutz advertising sign in the advertising section.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/A9r8p8ewojZSOtaGr5GtSQ/IyUsL9fgl-GsJ3dCQHMc2hfoM5rW3feqXoJ8DjlYFwrr2a8Rj7pHrMod6ujUy7_qsMYD0zP-osNZkxxF_pkvxAlKxXrReiORC8r5HYa0LsPgk7OZB0KC4Ekxi4iryap3i1pKPkYLmw8izG9r3MdGKNjHXseW_zLS0WZ7FlrCAxU/Oc1j3CcqyVhNEhfjFIg0uP_Y7nSPEu4J1-lpZGoRITc


French’s Parrot Medicine

Bottle with paper label and box from the R. T. French Company of Rochester, New York. YES, the French’s Mustard Company made bird medicine at the turn of the Century. 7 ½”x 2 ½”x 1”. The outstanding label is in mint condition. The box has some top flap damage but the imagery of the amazon Parrot on the front panel does not get any better. Used for Cold and Run-Down Condition in Pet Birds. The only example I have ever seen.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/Fkv2p17mlU8yFD6YNMXcew/-vrn7R24WzmhW7ZhlFhDstgQ1JWohirm_fT1KYBNcnvNXLN3Sogazci_yArrSidfjJafP63TVS6QmRfD3GoG84RIcN_Oyfo695hSAjm8awN2O_lHl7WGDF_yA3r4d8UayspZIaWVxRA7ZG-d79GSyCA4U7jrS3hU0a233JRHBmc/NFU-tUbptQH3-F1I2-wy_GY9IyEE8BCW4gqIzvFtmc0


Geisler’s Bird Tonic Treatment “C” for Colds

Unopened bottle with paper label, contents and box from Max Geisler’s Bird Company of Omaha, Nebraska. Geisler’s was the largest and oldest bird supply company in the world, established in 1888. This remedy is c1910. 6”x 2”x 1”. Other than the light fading to the red letters on the box, this example is in excellent condition. This is the last of a small consignment of Pet Bird medicines and a rare opportunity for the collector interested in Avian species.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/UqgFEmtD_vWYmqL2mJPpMg/utNxys2_OoYasy68Nc6vmL__S8vGGFQ9ylZ85Zl9_cHLpHr4HgvgliFfuKlDlpL5Q0FMP7A8GNoZIZZX3cJiRxKC5oVtCikYonzWg_PalzyiiDjG0oAc9PFdxDNgMeeqDqowJ359tcao_XgP8NfhkTfNHQjRt4fCYpskMPYJl1k/kJFNrxOJ8Hjois0ffJGaWpkbY7WeNVULg6rs70Zh5yY


Dr. Hess Colic Remedy

Bottle with partial contents, paper labels, and box from the Dr. Hess & Clark Company of Ashland, Ohio. 7”x 2 ¼”x 1 ½”. Labels are in excellent condition. The box has some staining on the front panel and has torn top flaps. List of ingredients on the back including Chloroform, Grain Alcohol, and Cannabis Indica. Used for all forms of Colic and impaction in horses.  

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/W4huyRY7YkPQ2lSA8mG0WA/DwHd4NKSJh3l8xO4B3j9ZUYcaSWMAqZFuxwBDSskohbJnCb3uhNHBBgS77XLZWWhMrQpd5nskMZfl1SIkLn1Pl9UdBwAyeXF_fgZ2C1xWFISXw9-HGy3MovrDDN6ZRS1D1mp6gy5OOGdodj_RiiMrphMrJBhHfREa0y9pMlMYAo/NCbp2_9v9T7kgHgjznF64EqAwYkZ_P_qmclCpSwAgYc


Hollingshead’s Improved Hoof Dressing

Early soldered tin with lithographed wrap around label and original contents from the Hollingshead Company of Camden, NJ. 5 ½”x 3 ¾”x 2”. This tin, which dates to c1890 contains Whale Oil and Pine Tar. The condition is good/very good with scattered light scuffing and oxidation. Described on the label as recommended by leading veterinarian and turfmen and as “THE BEST REMEDY KNOWN FOR USE IN CASES OF FOUNDER, SCRATCHES, CRACKED HOOF…and All Wounds and Sores for the Horse’s Foot.”  

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/SpEmOt24AMDJk7FrprQteA/v-uFFhI6Hl_uhKD2Jvx-q55qr8rJHEZTeqM6lmUlFUU-2XVamT9N9S2vKi755Yp1OUIxs5IWMVnQECdih-jZPh1QMV_me9rNl08Jygmo3g3Nuf2jjEvmswpt-CBsRBsrXPWCR5bYK19ET1VNd7Et6Lo0G-yP_uV_2t5Rvswz_m4/oNThfXxKDpDWJnpNoFKu3NWAR7ET4UV9wiuGWUY4Y5A


Imperial Stock Regulator

: Unopened box with contents from Imperial Manufacturing Co., Parsons, Kansas. “THE GUARANTEED REMEDY.” 7”x 4”x 2 ¼”. Box has a little paper wear along the corner edges and very light stain bottom right. Displays very well, good color and large box. Nice shelf piece.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/0RT6-C5yQZ8q8aUkzXlyhA/wl8K_QmxngyGn-1CN0OoV-evRVtR4nyEltJduDVrOXynxJ1T6uz_-T-ZmZOk007eqp4qkLcuwA3QClSkStyQhqVguhQ_DNNka1Rmxo00CpR_wAJfqTUrJY0X5ZHiv2VIdCmdcXRVJ3wLDQR1-nO_LMpN_STuKQ8LrqyrFbJWGtc/zXn0lte0xbXCYxpz2ANGtATobe88yrYvHnjp_dT6eDY


K & K KURA-KUT Healing Oil Liniment

Bottle with paper label from Kunkel & Kinkel of Madrid, Nebraska. “MADE ESPECIALLY FOR BARB WIRE CUTS.” 9 ½” 3 ½”x 2”. Prevents Proud Flesh and will sterilize the wound. Label is toned with staining. The bottle presents quite a presence sitting on a shelf with its large size.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/Z3LS2qXFkUDya48mgHs55A/05lR4sHJMmyURXZkvRPQ9XhHYAmGfs6vhMYRcfCpHiqHk963o0A41KUqL2AlbJNa3o1t_jLSD7thaO3d32EE2JmxTab3sujvwcTPVAtxeIxAMmf4aheCeOMmGCm-oM38AlNGzKk6c2i3B_XtDFcZXQ/58mEPSmE7i8NxvCkQYW8QyO3sTt-Zi5SU3z6_Y5Nct0


Keller’s Horse, Cattle and Poultry Powder

Unopened printed cardboard box from the Carr, Owens & Company of Baltimore, Maryland. 5 ½”x 3”x 1 ½”. Excellent original condition. First example of any medicine from this Baltimore company. Two tablespoons mixed with feed, three times a week. c1910.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/ijsyFNCJbMURs_P1ihvKRQ/VRE3wyzSPsrA4lTBIuTFyZzdBm-reEZgCE5Ac3PswfHg1u84k8kkt177c4d_L9IO6Dsz009OmvCEO7qL9pI3akCeS2NxJn1z7Oxe0HoshInXcg05F0Q2Z707ItUmJOKypWYf6FFbma8qVOnVv4pqsIhjpnMdzLov33L-b-SY6UY/IevkQY8z3jYMBCsIqtO8x87VtwJLA01EQVq4QD7aAjI


Lamprey Healing Powder

Unopened canister with wrap around paper label from Lamprey Products of St. Paul, Minn. They were the successors to the Prussian Remedy Company. 4”x 2”. Condition is excellent overall with just some minor handling wear to the label. No damage. Great graphic logo on the front.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/-aCZCMEYliCBMDmVYPOALg/AdXdu9qbH-NzvEKmCLKpPX7EKHwVfl-XFQSWTSAt3dVo1mNbD7KJoxIe13I93TLZjj92ezhMEu5WitVrgjuRLW9eykNQ_1VYCRST_Qx5L7hrkUSBz0JDmS87CwG0YprmPx9lXABVwMbzjzbF6Enh8pTywTIYn7nsjxtcbo0iipQ/dL2TvPfoY_0CfEdbp9evui6qSa2TjVKA7UyXLpKDD34


Dr. LeGear’s Poultry Powder

This is the unopened, 25 cent size box of Poultry Powder. 7 ¾”x 4 ½”x 2 ½”.  This is one of the more desirable and early Dr. LeGear medicine boxes. The Cock of the walk on the front panel is cock-a-doodle-doing and says: “I am the cock of the walk because I am given Dr. LeGear’s Poultry Powder.” Condition is very good to excellent with just the expected 100 years of handing wear.  

2 imageshttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/c7AtjpOrItFV7Y1zD2QGEA/lUrR2yRIGNqcHJmZZUk_VkQGBs1JOH9b0ByGxoewFNpxY3c_IhLmqW3-ynJZswNFbhnzAtZknL_ZuwBFDda9PLc2bcYJWXzPQEiKKx-nO5L8SOYyCYEEmQiAKJIace0fgSevkiZDBjBoGhDXrYCEtmAfbPlH8VPca5Rw5Hrf9Hc/e5YprDhpkCoHQGho11nAVob52a3YtsWIejSKMqoS6jshttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/_ryHshxMAMi0lDCTICjH5Q/QoegUjkQvgrWmCdQ6BTzh3lc5ZRI3IDeXpenBgQ-xFQ9KOJ-6K1vdgtSSen3bCTykXOV3PZZXnpDayTDTS5jGQkIbI_SsTloT-UELPGb5kQhrQJOmyIm3guvGEwWI7brW5m3p2JHMOIbzuDHDcQshWRXZmKAwRpyU3FadgzDjTc/Ddfbi2vsGwrQCDogED86zG5Tn9iBELZkkUVRXRG8DC4


Dr. LeGear’s Worm Remedy

Early, c1900, unopened box with original contents from the Dr. LeGear Medicine Company of St. Louis. Really nice early graphics make this a desirable example. 7 ¼”x 4 ¼”x 2”. “Destroys the worms…tones up the stomach…purifies the blood…” Very good condition with handling wear and smudges. The package is slightly leaking content from the bottom left seam when jostled. More excellent graphics are on the reverse. One of the more desirable Dr. LeGear medicine boxes. Only a handful of these have been recorded through the years and most have sold in the $300-400 range. Sold without reserve.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/xoUV722AV2-7UHaiJluWMg/CCkujOCahENNhP2ZbT5ou9UbkwwfZ7rq8wGU2L6WYGmM5a6_q6LGMlE_mI9fDzPcYCACj8V6l6Xuh9guvyFPn4C0LhXFdvkfLmmQA1bnKDV24fczuSP6FiBrgtwfoPu45OFskjgV9Z2sLUlzORRliix0HYeOuZu3Yb-F-1TPu98/k78GAH-D5CV4nj1ZLd7FQFI4lzm7N_O_ak7dJH8yISQ


Leithhead’s Pink Eye and Distemper Cure

Bottle with paper label from the L. W. Leithhead Drug Company of Duluth, Minnesota. 6 ½”x 2”x 1”. Small paper losses at the corners is the only defect. First ever offering from this company and CURE at that.  

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/xs6APT9WESeNSOxqSY7KHg/zKA_HXXoqjPLuTC6dCAmwWii0Qcn0ygpLHgbiZWH2EGQg0EmuChCTqzlI7dtbNk2TcRAGjOyETi1AhplqdBbXnn_KXQ2lLPaWawJ0d_vSgwBew_ILvxo6P8JyuieOlPowovP9fkOUQ8N4IOjX9YZdirjjUVucP0tXE6DaOuV0Ao/VlzLJUIMTF1tNYSz7Ld4HHpXrD1Z0kf7SbAfN8eXyl8


Dr. Lesure’s Electric Hoof Ointment

Large, lithographed tin with contents from Keene, New Hampshire. 2 ¾”x 3”. Interesting name as it implies that the ointment contains electricity or electricity has additional healing properties. This is one of the scarcer Dr. Lesure medicines to obtain. The tin does show some scattered wear and paint chipping. However, this tin has not been cleaned and would benefit from a good waxing. Desirable Dr. Lesure’s tin in very acceptable condition.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/fvo0lP6nkiIXNm1XCT_qSQ/Y82yuJd8NRShl8tWHYMTvOrDdnyRLqKmcFMIubchBasCQPgRNuxsCbnbXwDXh0iGEmS7KUV2ROI9uXbtDjtXTRGTsUk8DZeeiqt2AqRuvniHueTylj9tl1XhihM7gCNwwkgFTKpQ1eawz7rKela8gg/Vce9KGwzZ7G7VhkWMHHzzuH-ES8AYnsf0-JeU_iykEo


Dr. Lesure’s Gall Cure

Lithographed tin with original contents from Dr. J. G. Lesure of Keene, New Hampshire. This example has a large image of Dr. Lesure on the lid and predates all of the Lesure advertising with has Cattle, Horse and Sheep logo which you see on the previous lot. 3”x 1”. Also printed on the lid is the 1906 Drug Act disclaimer which means this variation tin comes near 1906 and was replaced with the more common logo.  Very desirable tin and quite early.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/0ghwlhuFzLNRUpke3gluAg/mai5hkrvcIV1Fz_Gbd3ePOghahzYrrK7SbqQgWwZFuuEH9RuTgUuDUbcvHByfP-kACUPnAOxyz08QBEVecpCE3jy6BprdTHOKI_tdrydUk7DnJSkSf1lUdn7t0SRJLl_eTr_GkGh6mworkXS5gBxKL8p9z3OPk33gxtP6ngw5z4/nG8y344RMkApkLQQiBcTW6jSfwu9wZ7P-IrEqV-6UoE


Dr. Shell’s Magic Distemper Remedy

UNOPENED PACKAGE with original bottle from the Magic Food Company of Chattanooga. 6 ½”x 2 ½”x 2”. “ACTS LIKE MAGIC.” Super rare medicine from a company that is practically impossible to obtain any medicine from. Many collectors have MAGIC FOOD WOODEN STANDS, but only a handful of medicines have ever been reported. Here is your chance to ad a prime example to your display stand. I have to have an opening bid of $100.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/na1A0bBtXALXzl7ULcKv0Q/qHCJkvkfJdHXbprqyFdsGES36P3ATeCWOLo7AgMMPHEYgs0F9L9J3gMWtw4czGMY_CSiGRvpQQv0pM98RXpU-PYcV24laeZtO9SAMbMjGaFa-VciNil5f0HeVPdrrNT0ssVUCeHi5D-ajXz6LJW7l4pEplWIGdoMvGY8SqI9j2U/X1mFXwNUcjRUmPDAWgOpJQ9rYQHHz4u320lm35hu97A


Norwood’s Veterinary Chill and Fever Drops

Embossed bottle with paper label from Dr. J. N. Norwood, V. S. Embossing on the sides reads: DR. J. N. NORWOOD // NAUGATUCK CONN. 6 ¾”x 2 ¼”x 1 ¼”. This is the larger of the two sizes the company produced of this medicine. Label is very slightly toned, otherwise in excellent condition with no damage.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/b4g9_eS9Bnyw50kZB44TQg/SJGXuXCkDAxyB7KQV2XbMXEnn0Ho6wGswqxPtAxB9V-hdUK6DqxZs7eTvq60gxaMO8lAGS4YPabMRle8cqdzOqceiVuSaNRQM5W72Uf_jEUV0K-bee6uXbh053EFVfxixX36J7FvtH21mb5PxgXHz4LpB7w5cd--vn5UeW_hl1U/WN2gGhmdv3pCWaBH0UXMMgxLhb2qZvnQ5nzdCy3CCJg


Dr. Norwood’s Veterinary Cough Mixture

Unopened, sealed package with bottle with paper label and box. Used for Cough, Chronic Cough, and Heaves. 7 ¼”x 2 ½”x 1 ½”. Most likely embossed: DR. J. N. NORWOOD // NAUGATUCK, CONN. Label should be in near mint condition with the 120 year protection of the box. Box is complete but is dirty on the front and pretty rough on the reverse. The consigner has requested the package not be opened prior to new ownership as original, sealed packaged examples are quite rare.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/Z_-Eddi1dZAt-ieMTz2R7A/biWmMULNmdyJdLr2ltLJ1EhwmfrcbJzR69pu5nLaw1tC_ndBy90viJwO3T-F101k2SJTJfFL64I_RTPrIGSARoJXN9KVYpwEr0-oJhMTQyCrgpA3DZLDVhi1R6IFhe5mlN0GiLLT3NP9gttMqW3lppL592F7RldvFuxyT2sqm2A/apwsO3frdsDNq4fbTqv2t7czjLjBlPTQ9jtEfYoVVjc


Norwood’s Gall Cure

Lithographed tin with partial contents from Dr. J. N. Norwood, V. S., Naugatuck, CT. As with all Norwood remedies, his photo is prominently on the lid. 3”x 1”. Overall, very good condition with just light scratches. A few have sold over the years and all have been very popular. Nice early cure tin.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/yrkK3VihZbHCdWhOVfwNDA/Z9WosZXdSgkjC5uo3GpVEY6migRDxhrZieRQfFV2FerKT4NEho2yyQSm-mQc62OsQy_kQvFCi4sc3AvdDUBDASyExBtim1lc0tki_Meh6gl7WOV372F11tD_DToppsexOtc5lQ-FV0MT84aCtZAXygNKyD2WM-xXApRgims_3zw/h5mbXPiHIzMG1V8LVO_BwQYgFGsl7yQ7mtKSy1qvRxQ


Persian Hoof Ointment

Lithographed tin with contents from Ensign Refining Company of Cleveland, Ohio. 3”x 3”. The side panel is in near mint condition, but the silvered lid has oxidized over the years. There is an image of a man in Arab dress standing beside a horse on the side of the tin. Very scarce tin as only three examples have been recorded and two of those were sold by VCR.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/U_w-nTw0AD1ZSVMsWGAhPA/mQhFiRVp6Cf3Y3vAfZ_CsQJnLK9JFo6xyuVl9SybLh1dqrYCFutpEQ6rikTFg2e-F-999WXC4wpaMvDjUPBxL45Famu_6tbCnSlsFwmj8RmHzvzG_jV4alfiQa99i_AJjiKU_QsUfcCIUIYeROQWFzi6EiqUunXfC0p8CdqZQWk/1_Ad0wGDNoRVCSnlPQSVawgX3Kcc3nJt5YKS97aZc-M


Prall’s Horse Colic Capsules

Slide open cardboard box with one dozen original colic capsules from Prall & Jones of Saginaw, Michigan. 3”x 2 ½”x 1 ¾”. Fantastic image on the front of a horseman holding the tongue of a very reluctant horse as he attempts to dose the horse with the capsule held in long tweezers. This is the first and only medicine of any kind reported from this company. The front panel is toned and the box is fragile but this might be one of the best images in all of veterinary patent medicine. 

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/Ko9ZFQu5BLBU8IlZYQ9Y3w/4ktpcDoRfqWdHm4WToUB_u-WBcrikdVcf38Ut1Om1JiCh2WBL4Lhu_0AqVr7CmZabdbzTn5DYVtGfy5joIQQdDUt57c-MQ22Ue3lHw4pCk721ggzg2vtdyMxnthjZLHSyNnUxqx2QC1rislbOlj1Lg/qMEIeA6KmDCcIe5YUnH3ix7wPtKkhm7H3V0EyKc-gBU


Pratt’s Cow Tonic

Canister with all around paper label. Very scarce Pratt’s remedy as only three other examples have ever been recorded. Medicines solely aimed at cows are fairly scarce by themselves and this is from a desirable company.    4 ¾”x 4”. “It tones up the digestive and reproductive organs thereby increasing health and milk and assisting the calving cow.” The canister has been opened along the top edge. The front panel as you see, displays very well. 

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/cTeDkhGDJyOkDBPYQTugqA/x-nYnPHpuWjGzssl9Ajt6T_t0-04SwFrfMCLRMwGr2s9Yg4hW8f7PuDJOyOzCKp3GkK9yayMAnt8lWPPZAqlZFs0l1Cf2gZ2X_CbCGO4QxM0EiC0Cbjw5vCRu0pvDEe0ZPLKeVCoPw7eKMaSZcyA9sYgh6BhVdT2rCdhIx2OvlY/V28c_hbcsMJt0cz4Udy1IJUnIPQzfWT5XNvVDp-P1gg


Pratts’ Healing Powder

Unopened, lithographed tin with contents from the Pratt Food Company of Philadelphia. Used for Gall and Sores on Livestock. 5 ¼”x 3”x 1 ½”. Tin is in excellent condition and displays great. Top shows some wear along the very edge. Pretty scarce tin as only a few have ever been recorded.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/R0pmrrqaYwvNSK2jO8mbSw/TZmkDIUpH5eGRPqNYzc838lxqlkGf6tJMdjvq6hrrN3TZwAt8787WdXlDUnoYsUOurxyGM2UZurf2XsdumeqiEh_IUvz7UPUKolQW6vEd8bpirpchmF1G-sXfzW3oUPrh8xUu-OhUB7VVio-wb7FvpXx0aBLGjDYEcfOhPqU4yI/eKX2tWSrV3n92BeknId70jyd6NwQuP23Pnw7_LtSgWI


Prussian Roup Remedy

Unopened wooden canister with wrap around paper label that has never been opened from the Prussian Remedy Company of St. Paul, Minnesota.  

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/o4SnytHzypXckihVPruM0w/qHyxyL3Lb30f2njfCR9yx_vLLLQZJgxAVct6vcFoy1rpD40sdt6JN8G9ccHbSMYYsa945-H1D9konsxSI3bmFRVDQxI6P5jbqlvdVewa6qapIJN7cHnhwJDwXp_pG49ctBkhlRmdYtXHMzRwm6LynoBRGWHqRp_RI0YUfZ89_1M/LsD6XUrd__fEOIVaM65yrLa7jXkxv3jkAnsZp1f4rh4


Prussian Colic Killer

Unopened green glass drench bottle with wrap around paper label and contents from the Prussian Remedy Company of St. Paul, Minnesota. 9 ½”x 2 ½”. Active ingredients on the label are Chloroform and Ether. “IT IS PERFECTLY SAFE AND SELDOM FAILS.” Label has a few edge nicks but otherwise clean and bright. Only two previous examples have been recorded. The last was in 2003 when a bottle with the original box brought $400. Let’s see what this example brings, twenty years later.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/6876RxPuXvbNIgPMliMu6w/Jq1DU9qu2iGDeU_2uVmlB8v4tEUaVqfFVRKV8cc6KFOjM945u8n2ggZyb-xaA1PNxpR9u5VuUkAYotP5yO0gKhbKHFk9DzQTR4fixtG_G1_EW4R_eTLA5LR2r_OhE2lU9oGCjNhqBoUZNN65lUFTJ2u9eg0ABvuVdPX5xqPG_Es/ocdD0ytKGACS4Zy78J9-vl1DdLar7Nno9WHUGiYurLI


Quinn’s Ointment for Horses

Amber, embossed jar with partial contents, paper label and original box. 4”x 2 ½”x 2 ½”. Jar is embossed: QUINN’S / H. E. ALLEN MFG CO. INC. / CARTHAGE, N.Y. / OINTMENT. Used for Curb, Splints, Spavin, and Windpuffs on horses. Paper label is excellent but lightly toned. Cardboard box is two parts with the top half lifting off. Box is in excellent condition. c1900. First example that I have recorded.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/k9ZKfB-kgmcL-ALSPkSasA/TMZgBXfDYZ50DeKsPiZ-jwCK_-n0glp7Tj-EpPCsy1LTQqTPLdxuxcQD5F7NUdPNgUBDEUe6XFk-XNKHLBdgFSv1WB8BKIvpAwTqAuOWUmuy33-n1H_-D-PcbaeN9_sZkL-XPSrf5BIn39xemQiPpnZjH9rXuLPRCO-o3EmRZik/ystVoIxHEAZGsn_tcbJjTIviiv_oJjBiIpcR-KVsOZA


Louis Ruhe Bird Food Jar

Embossed wide mouth aqua glass jar: LEWIS RUHE / IMPORTER / OF BIRDS / & / RARE ANIMALS / 98 CHATHAM ST. / N.Y. 7 ½”x 3”. I can find Lewis as an exotic bird importer as early as 1874. Jar has no damage. An interesting go-with for the collector interested in pet store and Avians.  

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/0Gsgosm9PLcMKPihC32HJA/gwtOooku3eEckBMNOCJ2nr3QPyBzAbbQMqeJuNjsu1QaBS7NsPe5GVjoTFtMNJzJW6dJRqpeDsfHCieLOyJX_Wf9diD3v1-lTAlV6GpQrqFpDESpwMGQ0XDE1UioAnakUf0qdyzmNwFmn7kKMF3iHFO1tGJvO1xsn8TW4l7vWII/kxymjg4Ah8Ih9Ar7gOuljSX3wGQbYC8VJoXRPbN2Kgo


Security Gall Salve

Lithographed tin with contents from the Security Remedy Company of Minneapolis. Illustration on the lid is a farmer raking hay with his two, horse team. 2 ¾”x 1”. The lid has a small dent to the left edge. Medicines from this company are always highly sought.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/4NUop9D4U-kWqv3nI1AUqg/NVWKKQvaJsmlQ3GRXkcuUAdFSpkaJqwrhVVV_XYI2HRO-qOn867q3LPd-9WPP033Pa1B_Xop6HovRv2XsaGf_P2gs97A6fkHsJxn3U0oIfBbhHtFmxtcPVEbeYfiYmt2PQa9iEzJwhxnG8lT0OU0SlyY9971C4J4aoh96ncNUss/QzgDnv2Vb2un0w4Os8TTGiG6IuKouc6Z-4xtd2GRyCA


Security Antiseptic Healing Powder for Animal Use

Glass canister with partial contents and a shaker style metal top from the Security Remedy Company of Minneapolis. 5”x 1 ½”x 1 ½”. This is unlike any other Healing Powder container I have ever seen from this company and has is a 25 cent cost on the label. The label is stained and has paper losses along the right side. It is the ONLY PAPER LABELED example of this powder that I have ever seen. Unique? You be the judge.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/hQZhW5JPjvsKQEdxZfEOKg/j5O2-fh2jnSvw77qFBG7-kfVL4ZjHGJNWnU1qg_lqeZ1tJHIgn-IsJ0tLE7btPtzNtWVVWxYp27b9ba6IPtfWQ-vGcjyCYmx6mTjuiczTnZRWwWfGnOAOjbRFc27374Pbfeg5eiuCtj_Z0OavtbyzFhhrItL3PXdQtREFtypY3U/qz3ezESo5VcHgD41i1bVO6UU8O8e5_KKPpA5zNK8Cos


Security Poultry Food and Egg Maker

Twenty-five cent box with very colorful and graphic wrap around label and from the Security Stock Food Company of Minneapolis. This is the earliest company name. Later the name was changed to the Security Remedy Company. 7”x 4 ½”x 2”. Security packaging is some of the most desirable among veterinary collectors. Condition is only good. While it does DISPLAY VERY WELL, it is only a shell with no contents and the top and bottom panels have been taped in place. The back panel has a white paint drip and some white speckles. If perfect, this box would sell for several $100, as is you determine the value.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/mAjbIicXcQXzDK7kKSsBAw/WMBGOHhyupOBrD58wiF5BqLMdnZjL8VI-opvDbuKlRffWVfi6F6Tq0Mxd74mWepkeUqJ2A2OvSf4ERQPyJahARLetbVEl9t_xYZElypBbHho0kDeodlqXV6QuHzSHY3b24DJbhR93iNsbwW-9vFdk3eCDNYempldEWtfpn2kwaY/BcZB9Imh8hAG938_8gCnOlBevoNyC8e84Gzpls7oHfc


Sergeant’s Sure Shot Capsules, for Dogs

Square, lithographed tin from the Polk Miller Drug Company of Richmond, Virginia. 1¾”x 1 ¾”x 1 ½”. Side view of bird dog on the lid. Has the 1906 Drug Act disclaimer on the side. These capsules will…”thoroughly cleanse the system and start the puppies off with a vigorous growth and a healthy development of bone and muscle.” Tin does not state that this is a worming product, but that’s what it does. Tin is in near mint condition with only the slightest top edge wear. Great dog medicine, seldom seen.

2 imageshttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/s3fvzXTUowW_OBh_6JeXqQ/xW48OXJkKpgqcDJvXL6XSwolCvsYSjxqOKcn607yN2FroPJfwy4uykPifeOesDU8EIhqj650MXqbczWurbYhRcFafrsSHBVQu5_d-8PquC0Ak6-u7fkF0qvdLR1JbA1_S4Y1HMHgZkjCKb--gEfe5rpRsFtKy1XOztROkhONBhA/mPlceCWxFFS0BswaQBAwdDB_vKXUm9zgrOuJ_UGkVZwhttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/tz632iLhG9105pfPyiLhyQ/RHN3pf-AEMU9ec-_XEUWnZt306Y6iqDuIdyMPpzZLKXrJoeJR2zY0b1jZtyk5CZp9Xz6dwcTQetrRCgleU0EWfeS7H9AK-Clof01cZz4A8nWX5PX46xqsQ3WsuJDARJHDqOVTEbbFET2DYl0wzzJVp-Rd_PsPHmdq_zruDSWLc0/Mn2KKbx2MIse3X6nPc_0ZxobFbQ27qnFkTXTiO0Q9AU


Spratt’s Worm Capsules for Cats

Did you get that!!! A Spratt’s Medicine SPECIFICALLY FOR CATS. Unopened canister with wrap around paper label, contents, and box from Newark, New Jersey. The box is the prize here as it is in very good condition, is complete with minimal wear. Label on the canister has staining generally. So, leave it in the box. 2”x 1 ¾”. HERE IS THE OTHER THING FOR YOU CAT COLLECTORS….IT’S THE ONLY EXAMPLE OF A SPRATT’S MEDICINE FOR CATS THAT I HAVE EVER SEEN. This one could get crazy.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/5t6V3CslLlN0wsCaVKQytg/mwgMxzho7fnCuY2X2ZQyjxlhHwsSvLqOn8YCu1yHfzIc3XwjP9Q08TXRDuOsbmmInUbM3J0Ms03j22q60I_b7Z2_76lHdiSBCFfxbiGyxVTEFBFHceiKXlrrPvuyjfI93vI1wl2YZWxNsijbvi-sMujVLQklPAM6mK9EFGvOrLc/tHFm8e7TNN7m9lTtabAM7Om6RMGDQwFo26bv4XyFp9A


Sturtevant’s Imperial Egg Food

Early, unopened box with graphic paper label of every type of poultry and fowls from the F. C. Sturtevant Company of Hartford, CT. 4 ½”x 3”x 2”. “WILL MAKE YOUR HENS LAY!” The label surrounds the box. This box pre-dates the 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act and I would guess is c1890. Good condition overall, with edge wear and glue staining to one side seam that was probably leaking powder long ago and sealed up. This is the ONLY SMALL SIZE package of this type we have recorded. Later packaging was named “EGG PRODUCER”.

2 imageshttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/S_P5x7gClKOdJA-t9GNzJA/vOrSXXKEDrqq4oyreWnO_i6kZ6grKpufuSvHFx2KMyivTEJ51vCHibGDdDkUZ_VTEIebeVpSrdMjcp47477vAxaWApRwvUQ7G_pCafGd9E-pB04DgJ00-4_CuCs6JKsDcWaVnK3Q5UpG5gd-pE6X-rXc3eg9vICaiF_rmgJYb6g/GZQcIeLgbjiE9OAn1zYJo20atLStwxciDW1Mz9sxP5shttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/INVsk7behcRi4jv8JxXqmw/9uhn6ocjQmwn1sqGhlNFSYkUt6PfUGtD1dM0W9zc0iy3bC06O3mPUKqS1ar4yYCCz7Y55sgN1b68YTAh47l0ld8uzEbFAZoNl2uXoXXJ8bHaJ7a4iY_ByJACsILccrtOBlaRNlOxG_dkZ92SucPHffADEjClryk5DZeHIbmc8zk/faYin4y-RMS3rYvaZz-9wXyfjuYbJpbMW9jBL6J4SXY


Talbott’s Rheumatic Remedy for Dogs

Unopened wooden canister with a magnificent wrap around paper label and original contents from W. R. Talbott Chemical Company of Sandusky, Ohio. 2 ½”x 1 ¾”. Used to treat Rheumatism in dogs which is manifested by “lameness, swollen joints, severe tenderness, and trouble walking.” Talbott’s Dog Medicines are the most colorful and graphic dog medicine labels in all of veterinary patent medicine history. In my mind, they are the top of the line for Dog Medicines. I have seen a few examples in private collections, but in 26 years of running VCR Auctions, I have only had the opportunity to offer two examples prior to this offering. This Rheumatic Remedy has a very detailed image of a Pointer Dog on the front panel with great color graphics. The top of the canister also has a round paper label with the same image, only expanded to include ground cover. The condition overall is near mint and about the best you could possibly hope for. This canister, to my knowledge, the only Talbott’s Dog Medicine to ever be offered at auction at the time, was purchased by the consigner in 2005 for $450 in a McMurray Drug Store Auction. Sold today with no reserve for your high bid. 

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/szmfoHM_dt78MmLL2i2m9A/3g2auMIeUdGXl080yaihZsq8Cp0MlLBvvMtkjVILW6fW-cm1Hap-U2aocUCDZTdHK2jkzkr2n4UaOPUw9hgB31zqmVICaz5fTYEUR8XJzoMVxsRYCs7YjfwVU8t4HdNhEX0KDugNbWuEbGXC1uly5MNdGdrpciLbntILr5xqJc8/jwk8v50zXFEoPhymFjXtDNdcRc__0uZzsN1A0qUeuRE


Tuttles Hoof and Healing Ointment

Early metal can with original contents and paper wrap around label from the Tuttle’s Elixir Company of Boston. 3”x 2 ¾”. Used for “diseases of the foot.” Label has some scattered edge wear and one tear line in the front. Another unique offering as this is the only example I have seen or recorded.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/xqACbAQtI3Y-K_iCMe5oRw/CvCEmEvwWqDI6iEQOikctTQtCk829AahA-t9mfoalZycezKjazUgxSqoGHtgBWRypEnTU7hr_u3ZoR68L751-jrnEfTgX2wLfbrfgfo-Ze8mjaK6vGJZ1VKyyCqQQFN9x4lUF1FxEoKPILlMAtsIng/Pfb-gCYKZV5NVr7soig-jVvvM3vTJxfQTRODpcK2c4w


Dr. Weare’s Gall Cure

Unopened, lithographed tin with contents from Dr. Weare Medicine Company of Fairport, NY. This was the original, early Dr. Weare’s Company name.  3 ½”x 1”. Excellent condition with a graphic yellow and black exterior. It would be hard to improve on this one.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/8IKiV8PBz7CcljZ2iIGAtg/DFRey4ZXlQue2_xlhZ_AEcM5Sb_swJHk4eZrFf-acJ8f79F4AlWTZfmtiKGY6DHfKyVSWigt0TWFDbNiyfu_918DoPjpF5LEQmLyRSmpFaqW_UW4kVs9XOS3DVKrPVmH8FEA4MT8bt46kJcYZ0y88udwuL_H393i23Op0Cc74X8/G7f6DwRmYoIsLbo3UXJ3-pX_-jrrBSKeF4iEv_cTcH4


Wilbur's Golden Healing Oil

Bottle with paper labels on all four sides, and partial contents from the Wilbur Stock Food Company of Milwaukee. 8”x 2 ½”x 1 ½”. This is the larger $1.00 size. Used for Cuts, Galls and wounds of all types in animals. Paper label illustration on the front is of a man treating a horse for Barb-wire cuts across the chest. The paper label is generally toned and has a light stain on the top right of the front panel.  

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/HjqHZzqkA0JUkSoGl8WuJg/f9A67TIBd3P7BQoxWKe3WilWEQ4bSdifWdqTzaP-iVMvxek2Q1oA36hGJwQPUSeSZOOABHFRpRODC4DdlpXmO5jeI-8Catsjm4gOplZD2GanzlRJdDRDWjxHurIF6vCt615u38XBfA-qdd-a8cqioxeJCnzRl-dPUO3ERJz-MBw/21FlfuU-QPsR7wZ_e2MsFQ17-JPs03q8jS7LfJJEtFc


Wilbur’s Pink Eye Cure

Bottle with paper labels, illustrated package insert and box from the Wilbur Stock Food Company of Milwaukee. Colorful package with image of man about to treat a horse in respiratory distress. 6”x 2”x 1”. Fifty cent size. “Warranted to Cure Pink Eye, Distemper, Coughs, Colds, Epizootic and All Diseases of the Mucus Membranes.” Labels have some minor smudges but no damage. The box also has some stains and rubs on the reverse with general handling wear, but the top flap IS attached. Overall package displays very well.

1 imagehttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/uFnau7hGaABAoj2USZQseg/WhHEXkTwiULa5ykximJ3XyH7JNAj4scQTp-XYKvTbDjVyrEjE0Hj4xeO_IGV0QCpFJAfaHl8jBJnCR2PgkxwcaYYEur55bJ2Sf-TAscDdNsLoS6oVFucqV03rjXh26AxkCLXmEp9SMBHhVw5vXviADyaV8H58jK_dvbFrnezecQ/SFtLd7mNCM4ujq8OTb80Iypj9AGSi2MuN7n30-m8YnM


Wilbur's Scratch Cure

Bottle with paper label and box from the Wilbur Stock Food Company of Milwaukee. “A GUARANTEED CURE” for wounds, cuts and Proud Flesh. 7 ½”x 2 ½”x 1 ½”. Bottle label is excellent. Box is a little beat up at the top with some white residue on the reverse. This is one of the scarcer Wilbur’s Cures to obtain with a box. One of only three examples know with the last recorded sale in 2014.

2 imageshttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/zKsohBRNX163FSiWVSRqSA/LgH5LbSnZmpZyEV0Ds3l_Znh5nwy4wfPjCf8g338wrLkKaFxn9kNNOmIi8NTbwOUn3JdrrqAnzUSs6te8q1wkRedWVuL-tbQ5gUcS7c6XTwIYUB15bDEHiVmg692LEaR0Pmt_xJJfUp5dkDYBO7810xwYl8M7g6WvLpQqQnogJ4/FISn_Wkbs21b8pcxErhZsK35gGKWQTobHOIYIQHg-XQhttps://v5.airtableusercontent.com/v3/u/36/36/1735588800000/4PlmRp4xCLAYPslsqFRvfw/xQtGGGwftQDjDt9wzkD0L2pifpAdk5Zht0r4q4DF_t8jf8IC-NBHsddZ0qKcxlI4_3nuaeKaBjHaGUTpBJSCN1u1Uz-3zWRs-rOrMqcWknewwjFIY4yUZ0s9ZthqFtgv7EhNz8pS2j_ydJnln5YOsfQcQG9s9AKGTbuR9PA9Jjk/oLimwdBvAmC2Y81e9q4xz8UzcUMLVN0YYXV8cBvuAc8


Humphreys Homeopathic Veterinary Medicines Lot of Seven

Lot includes seven embossed horse head bottles and four boxes. Five (5) of the bottles are cork top: BB, CC, EE, FF, AND GG. Two bottles are screw top; AA and CC. Some have partial contents. Condition ranges from excellent to average with most failing in the very good area.